All games and website İRyan Hoss



February 2006 Updates


Updated February 11, 2006

Ah, February. The month of love and happiness. Happiness, I say? Yes! Happiness for YOU! You see, you will be happy, because I FINALLY made the Billy Bob DX 2 page! Now you (and I) can keep track of the game better.

And while I'm on the topic of BBDX2, I must say that it's coming along great. I'd say I'm's say I'm 76% done with it. That's good, right? RIGHT?

Oh, you'll find a happy Valentine's day treat, the sixth BBDX2 screenshot, on the new BBDX2 page.

Oh, the Forums are STILL working! There've been no major problems with it since it came back, so join join join!

In other news, we have a NEW staff member! Yeah I know it's about time; bottles98 has humbly joined the Billy Bob Web staff. He'll do stuff like...uh...staff. Yeah. Good for him. Oh yeah, he'll make a profile for the staff page. Yeah.

Oh, and I'm NOT gonna forget it this time:

I've archived the January 2006 updates.

Until next time...